Foldscope Instruments, Inc.,
Strategic Partnerships Consultant - Oct 2022-Present
Director of Strategic Partnerships - July 2020-Sept 2022
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Professor
Jan 2023-present
Research Experience for Peruvian Undergraduates, Co-director
• All-volunteer organization
Computer skills
& Academia
Stanford University, Postdoctoral researcher in O’Brien Lab
• Research: Establishment of apical polarity in Drosophila Intestinal Epithelium
Stanford University, Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology
• Research: Coordination of junction biogenesis and epithelial integration during differentiation in the Drosophila Intestinal Epithelium. One manuscript published and one in preparation
Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University (Peru), B.S. Biology
• Research: Enzymatic kinetic of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pyrazinamidase recombinant without His- tags and the role of metal ions on its activity. Manuscript published
Office (Word, Excel, Power Point)
Adobe Illustrator
English (proficient)
Spanish (native)
French (basic)
MATLAB (basic)
Moreno-Roman P, Bobick K. (2022) Foldscope: Increasing Science Accessibility Worldwide. Microscopy Today, 30(3), 42-45
Martin JL, Sanders EN, Moreno-Roman P, Koyama LJ, Balachandra S, , Du X, O’Brien E. (2018) Long-term live imaging of the Drosophila adult midgut reveals real-time dynamics of division, differentiation, and loss. eLife
Moreno-Roman P. (2017) Yachaq Warmi: Uniendo a mujeres peruanas en ciencia. Revista Peruana de Divulgación Científica en Genética y Biología Molecular 1(2):39-41
Sheen P, Ferrer P, Gilman RH, Christiansen G, Moreno-Roman P, Guiterrez AH, Sotelo J, Evangelista W, Fuentes P, Rueda D, Flores M, Olivera P, Solis J, Pesaresi A, Lamba D, Zimic M. (2012) Role of metal ions on the activity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pyrazinamidase. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 87:153-161
Stanford University Diversifying Academia,
Recruiting Excellence (DARE) Fellowship
Stanford University Bio-X Bowes Fellowship (profile)
European Molecular Biology Organization
Short-Term Travel Fellowship
Stanford University ADVANCE Summer Institute Fellowship
APEC Women in STEM, USA - Panel Moderator 7/22
Berea College Women in STEM Conference, KY, USA - Keynote Speaker 3/22
Stanford Bio-X Fellows Symposium, Stanford University, USA - Keynote Speaker 10/21
IBRO-LARC Neuroscience and AI for all Virtual Associate School, Uruguay - Speaker 8/21
Annual Drosophila Research Conference, USA - Speaker 03/19
American Society for Cell Biology, USA - Speaker 12/18
10th Annual Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Retreat, Stanford University, USA - Speaker 11/18
Gordon Research Seminar and Conference on Cell Polarity, USA -Speaker 08/18
+ Awarded 'Best Seminar talk'
Stem Cell Biology, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA -
Poster 09/17
Bay Area Colossal Drosophila Meeting, Stanford University, USA - Speaker 03/16
'Cellular Dynamics II: Building a Cell' course, Stanford University (BIO 129B), Stanford, USA
Teaching Assistant - Spring 2016
Led discussions focused on the development of critical thinking for upper level undergraduates and graduate students
'Genetics, Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology' course
(BIO 41), Stanford University, Stanford, USA
Teaching Assistant - Fall 2015
Led review sessions and discussions for ~200 Stanford undergraduates, and gave feedback to the professors on the course content and class activities, graded exams
Stanford Splash, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
Volunteer & Instructor - Fall 2013, 2014, 2015
2013 and 2014: Contributed with the execution of the event
2015: Co-designed and co-instructed class on model organisms for 2 cohorts of 25 students from 8th and 10th grade
Science Bus, Stanford University, Stanford, USA
Teacher - 09/13 – 08/14
Contributed to the design of classes for hands-on exploration of diverse science topics by middle schoolers from East Palo Alto. I taught 20 students once per week every other week
Gene cloning and protein expression using recombinant DNA techniques, Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, Peru
Instructor, Summer 2013
Co-designed, co-led and taught molecular biology techniques to Peruvian undergraduates