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2024 Reading Challenge: Read with me - January

📚 Books I have read this year:

When a new year starts, like a lot of people, I usually put together (either mentally or write down) a list of goals I want to accomplish that year. Also, like most people, I end up giving up after a few weeks and, as months go by, I even forget what those goals were.

This year, I wanted things to be different but wasn't sure how. The answer (kind of?) came to me as I was mindlessly scrolling through TikTok after Christmas, I saw a video about planning for the new year in chunks of 12 weeks instead of making year-long plans. I was intrigued by this concept - could this satisfy my love for planning while setting realistic goals? and will I follow through on those action items?

According to the comments on that TikTok video, if I wanted to learn more about this I should read "The 12-Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months". The concept was intriguing, so I went ahead and bought the book 🛍️

The timing was perfect because it was a few days before January 1st 2024. I made some time to start daydreaming of what I wanted to accomplish in 2024 in every area of my life: spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, and professionally. I started feeling a bit overwhelmed but all the big dreams I had and wasn't sure even where to start to get one step closer to them - and this is when the information I had started learning from my most recent acquisition ("the 12-week year" book) became really important. I completely shifted gears and just focused on the next 12 weeks, now the goals seemed more attainable and it was easier for me to come up with small tasks I could take every week to get closer to those goals.

I am almost done reading the book, and I recommend it - especially to people like me who LOVE daydreaming and planning, but who sometimes get carried away and become overwhelmed with all the big plans for months.

You can purchase "The 12-Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months":

Any recommendations for what should I read next?

📚 Books I have read this year:

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